13 thoughts on “Construction: January 24 Walkthrough

  1. Another great walk through, Maria. I wish that there was a way to make money doing this. You could make a handsome living. But videos are so easily copied and re-posted, it’s hard to be protected. I can’t wait to see the finished drywall. Good job.

    • Thanks! I can do way better videos than these. I just shoot them with my phone and throw them into iPhoto. But I have a nice little video camera that shoots 1080 HD and all the editing tools I need, including Final Cut Pro. I’ll be doing a lot more video work once I’ve moved into my home and have more free time on my hands.

  2. With the high ceilings and hot air rising do you think you will need to use a lot of heat to get a reasonable temperature in the living area?

    Rooms naturally feel smaller as you get furniture in but the layout looks as if it will be a nice balance between size and feeling cosy. The views look great out of the window.

    • Thanks! It’s funny, but I’ve been sharing pictures of my view for the past year and a half on Facebook, Twitter, and my blog. I don’t think it registers with people that I see that view out my windows, too. The view was the main reason I bought the property; privacy and space were close seconds. I designed the building so I could enjoy the view from inside or out. I don’t think the company that built my building had ever done one with as many windows as I have. It cost me, but it’s so worth it.

  3. Your windows are well worth the investment. Nothing worse than constantly regretting not having spent the extra money when all you have to look at is walls.

    • I spent far too many hours in a cavelike condo in Phoenix to ever live in a dark, dreary home again. It’s amazingly bright in my place — even on cloudy winter days — and I love having so many windows that I feel like I’m outdoors even when I’m inside.

      Note that I got them tall enough and I positioned them low enough that I can still look out at the view, even when I’m sitting down. :-)

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